About MGS Technologies

MGS Technologies provides a range of services for your constantly changing needs.

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Who We Are

MGS technologies LTD is a trusted partner and a recognized leader in providing IT resource outsourcing, IT Support, IT Sale, IT Lease and digital solution services. Since 2008, we have provided IT resourcing s and tailor made IT solutions to hundreds of companies in the UK. With a unique focus on building strong, collaborative relationships with clients, MGS technologies LTD has created a solid reputation for exceeding our client expectations with quality work and fast delivery turnaround.

We strive to be more of a partner than a vendor. Partners understand each other; they share a common goal to produce high-quality work and bring value to business, also beyond what’s defined in the job requirements. While signed contracts may define the scope and responsibilities of a project, we believe that in the end, success is all about cooperation.

Appropriate IT Recruitment Support

Mindful of the ever changing landscape in recruitment best practice we provide a mature, objective and educated IT candidate search service that fully supports in-house HR teams and IT departmental managers. We consistently achieve results quickly, securing top IT talent for our clients across all IT roles & disciplines. We will always deliver our service in the manner you dictate. Our aim is to foster long-term relationships founded on acting as a true business partner that you want to engage with.

Candidate engagement

We engage gently and respectfully with IT candidates. We are careful to provide full & complete details on vacancies/organisations to enable candidates to make a considered decision on whether to apply. We don’t pressure individuals to make premature decisions. This means all candidate applications we send you will be of candidates that have a genuine and positive interest in working for you.


Responsibility sits heavily on our shoulders. We have a responsibility to present candidates factually and objectively to recruiting clients. Highlighting any concerns as well as showing strengths. In turn we are careful to give true clarity on job opportunities to candidates. We know a job move can have far reaching implications for an individual so we don’t brush over any concerns a candidate may have. We never forget our responsibility.